/ +34 609 801 686

Frequently asked questions

Can I make changes to my order?

What happens if I don't have time to finish my order?

Is there a minimum/maximum amount?

How much does home delivery cost?

What are the home delivery times?

Which bank cards can I use to pay?

Are there "Gift Cards" to send to a friend or relative?

I want to return / exchange a product

What happens if one of the products I have purchased is out of stock?

What if I can't find a product?

How can I choose to receive offers or promotions by email?

How can I check the allergens in a Product?

How can I manage my account: Modify my details, password, address...

How is the list of "My favourite products" managed?

What guarantee do I have that the fresh products are of top quality?

What are the distribution areas of Producto de Aquí?

How is my order prepared and what controls does it have?