/ +34 609 801 686

Serra PanoramaKnife
SERRA PanoramaKnife, the knife that reflects the Serra de Tramuntana of Mallorca with its magnificent Mediterranean profile.
The blade of the knife is made of high-quality steel and has been carefully sharpened, but what makes it really special is the profile of the Serra de Tramuntana engraved on its edge.
In addition to its beauty, the knife is incredibly practical. It is designed to have a long life and be resistant enough to use regularly.
This knife is perfect for any type of kitchen, although it is especially suitable for cutting bread or any other food that resembles it.

The creation of SERRA PanoramaKnife
The profile of SERRA PanoramaKnife
Why buy the knife with the profile of the Serra de Tramuntana "Serra PanoramaKnife"?
Tel: +34661728383